Saturday, August 18, 2007

Boat Fire

While we were waiting to be hauled out for the season, wewatched a sickening sight. A fellow pulled up to the fuel dock and topped up with fuel (gasoline). He then started off for his home on North Haven Island, about 13 miles east across Pennobscot Bay.

About 300 yards out, he suddenly swerved over to an approaching sailboat and jumped aboard leaving his boat adrift. The sailboat returned him to the dock where he announced that his boat had an electrical fire aboard.

We watched helplessly as the twenty five foot speedboat drifted into a neighboring cove trailing smoke, first white and then black. As it neared the shore the black smoke got thicker and orange flames appeared. There was nothing anyone could do as she burned to the waterline, fed by fifty gallons of gas.

The owner watched sadly saying "I've had that boat for twenty nine years." It wasn't insured and as he later said, I guess my boating days are over. It was a very disturbing sight.

Later, the burned-out hulk was towed in for the Fire Inspector and the Coast Guard to examine.

It's sad to watch a man's dreams die.



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